5 Books to Help 客户体验 Executives Prepare for 2023


I often asked what I’m reading to stay on top of future trends and to stay current on the industry. 所以为什么不问问我认识的一些最聪明的人呢, LCG的顾问, what they are reading and share my list with all of you as well? 

While I have a number of resources I review, I like books, and specifically audiobooks.  Here are a few that I recommend to the visionaries of today charged with creating the digital experiences of tomorrow.  

  1. Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, 人与地球——克劳斯·施瓦布  

After a review of the exponential rate of change of innovation, and a recognition that nearly every industry is becoming subject to the rules of Information Technology, Klaus builds the argument that the world is experiencing disruption, 我们的许多经济体系都已经崩溃. 

希望与危险并存.  What can we do as citizens, users of these technologies, and as leaders? 

特别是, Schwab calls for leaders and citizens to “together shape a future that works for all by putting people first, empowering them and constantly reminding ourselves that all of these new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people.”   

当然, his book comes complete with 4 major recommendations around individual agency, 全球社会契约, 为子孙后代谋远见, and a change in the way we measure economic outcomes to human and societal outcomes.  Is it any wonder that the Global Economic Forum has shifted their focus this year (2023) with their recently announced theme: “Cooperation in a fragmented world.” 

  1. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier, 杀伤力企业 

Shoshana architects the language of the behavioral economy.  当我们搜索互联网时,它也在搜索我们.  权力填补了空白.  Where the average citizen believes that “privacy can be private”, 信息的不平衡是不公平的.   

Surveillance capitalists exploit the widening inequity of knowledge for the sake of profits. 他们操纵经济, 我们的社会,甚至我们的生活都不受惩罚, endangering not just individual privacy but democracy itself.  

Consider why advertisers are leaving Twitter en masse and why many parts of the US government are blocking TikTok from their networks, the allegations of Facebook targeting children and other “gray-area” decisions that these powerful companies are making.   

The framework provided by Shoshana will help the visionaries of today who are charged with creating the digital experiences of tomorrow with the right questions to ask to use data for good.  我最喜欢的一句话是:“谁知道呢?“谁来决定?? 谁来决定谁来决定?   

Your perspective of governance models for data access will never be the same once you finish her book. 

  1. Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers, Fred Reichheld, Darci Darnell和Maureen Burns. 

The author of the Net Promoter Score renames NPS to the Net Purpose System.  Fred sprinkles lots of feel-good stories about great customer services within his popular NPS framework, 他恰当地继续建造了这些.   

目标驱动型公司获胜.  弗雷德说, 基于研究, that the Good to Great model which focused primarily on financial capitalism has given way to customer capitalism.  So the key to winning is to enrich the lives of those whom you serve.   

While it’s true that I want our customers to realize profits, I’m so proud that we’ve made “selfless service” one of our 5 values at LCG.   


  1. 为未来而竞争, C. K. 普拉哈拉德和加里·哈默尔 

要追求更大的利润,就必须寻求更大的能力. It is imperative to build intellectual property and that comes with patience and persistence. 

If you are unable to comprehend the competences needed to succeed in your market, an outsider will develop them in their market and come for yours. 

转换 in the present is key to survival in the future. That’s why LCG helps visionaries of today to create the digital future. 

Igor Rodrigues, LCG巴西营销

  1. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and 认为ing snoke Ahrens  

The subject of this book is not only for students or academics. It is focused on the process to solve an issue or to create something. This process involves thinking, understanding and developing new ideas in writing. 

当我们遇到需要解决的问题时, we need to go through the step of collecting-analyzing data and giving it to our brain so it can begins to process all the information. After that, we need to take a break, sleep, and let our subconscious work and find the solution. 

That’s why sometimes we can sit in front of the computer and not being able to write a complete paraghaph but once we have processed all the data, our “inspiration” shows up because we have walked trought the creative thinking process. 这是我们喜欢在LCG工作的方式.  





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